

Giorgia De Zen sorride e scrive su un blocco per gli appunti con una penna rossa; indossa una giacca blu e siede alla scrivania. Sul tavolo ci sono un laptop, delle piante, una lampada di sale, delle cuffie e una tazza.





E-MAIL dezen.giorgia@gmail.com - VAT No. 042558100246



Freccia beige punta verso il basso.

My clients' opinions

Here are some reviews written by my clients, both regarding translations and interpreting projects.

Freccia beige punta verso il basso.
Enrico Simonato, Architect & illustrator
"Abbiamo richiesto in tempi molto stretti una traduzione da italiano a inglese, si trattava della prefazione di un libro dedicato alla Kyoto Animation. Consegnato prima dei termini pattuiti e svolto a regola d'arte. Giorgia ha inoltre segnalato alcuni refusi del testo italiano e un errore in copertina relativo al genitivo sassone. Nel complesso una professionista che ha saputo rispettare i tempi e dimostrare un interesse che andava oltre le richieste, con lo scopo di ottenere il miglior risultato finale."
Kyoani's cover, in anime style, of a girl with a mechanical arm is seen facing the reader.DIALOGUE INTERPRETING - HOST MILANO 2019 | EN <> IT <> ES
David Pietranczyk, Product and Marketing Specialist at Breville | Sage | PolyScience
"It was a pleasure working with Giorgia. Our company, Sage | PolyScience manufactures extremely precise, innovative and somewhat niche culinary devices for professional chefs and mixologists. Giorgia approached our project with great enthusiasm and spent several weeks learning the unique features, benefits and uses of our equipment. Through studying our video content, website, and printed materials, she was able to articulate these attributes as well as any of our own employees. Giorgia brought a great energy, enthusiasm, and knowledge to our space and I would highly recommend her linguistic services."
Giorgia De Zen is standing and smiling to the photographer outside at the stand of Sage Polyscience at the Host Milano tradeshow.DIALOGUE INTERPRETING - JEWELLERY BOUTIQUE SHOW VICENZA 2019 | EN <> IT <> ES
Óscar Díaz, Sales Manager Díaz y Villar Joyeros
"Nuestra experiencia con Giorgia ha sido magnífica, en cuanto a trato y a responsabilidad. Es una chica con mucha iniciativa y muy activa. Es eficiente y ayuda en todo lo que puede y sabe. Tiene un nivel de inglés muy alto. Ha sido un placer trabajar con ella y por supuesto seguiremos contando con ella"
Oscar and Diego Diaz by Diaz y Villar and Giorgia De Zen, who's standing between them, are smiling to the photographer in front of their stand at Vicenzaoro.DIALOGUE INTERPRETING - PEDERZOLI HOSPITAL VERONA 2019 | EN <> IT
Abner Martin "Marty" Landry III, MD FACR
"Ms. De Zen is an amazing, articulate and intelligent young woman who served as our translator during a trying medical trip to Italy. She speaks multiple languages extremely well. She is also an absolute delight who made our trip enjoyable despite the travails of the medical treatments. I would encourage anyone who needs a translator to hire this remarkable woman."
Clinical chart, a stethoscope and a pen (details).DIALOGUE INTERPRETING - PROGETTO SALUTE MEDICAL CENTER VICENZA 2019 | EN <> IT
Sarah Milton, U.S. patient
"Giorgia was wonderful yesterday! Her translation was excellent, but she was also incredibly professional. She made me feel comfortable (it was my first time having a translator for a medical appointment) and was patient. She stayed until I was all done."
Amelia Oldfield, Music therapist, PhD
"I also thoroughly enjoyed this experience, largely because of your expert and professional translation. You were so good that I kept forgetting you were there, and then when I realised that I needed to pause so you could translate, you never seemed to mind and were always able to, (apparently effortlessly!), remember and translate what I'd said. In addition, I was incredibly impressed that you were able to switch to simultaneous interpreting when I showed excerpts from a documentary film where there was quite a bit of dialogue. Thank you Giorgia, you are a brilliant translator and a joy to work with!"
Giorgia De Zen is interpreting Laurien Hakvoort consecutively at the workshop which took place at CESFOR in Bolzano.DIALOGUE INTERPRETING - MEDICLINIC POZZONOVO 2022 | EN <> IT
Midori Wood, U.S. patient's wife
"Being a former interpreter of 30 years myself, it didn’t take me long to find that Giorgia who performed consecutive medical interpreting knew what she was doing and produced a quality job. I do recommend Giorgia as a highly professional interpreter."
A physician and a patient are sitting opposite at a table: the physician is taking notes and the patient is looking at him with her hands holding in front of her.SCHOLAR ARTICLE COPY-EDITING & PROOFREADING 2022 | IT > EN
Dr. Clara Cestonaro, Medical examiner, PhD
"Preparata, disponibile e scrupolosa. Giorgia si è occupata per me della traduzione di un articolo scientifico e mi ha aperto un mondo…ho apprezzato tantissimo i suoi consigli e i suoi insegnamenti. È una vera professionista con cui spero di collaborare ancora in futuro! Assolutamente consigliata!"
English text on a document with corrections marked in red, a red pen is lying on the paper.DIALOGUE INTERPRETING - MEDICLINIC POZZONOVO 2022 | EN <> IT
Dr. Vinicio Melina, Specialist in Gastroenterology, M.D.
"Da oltre un anno ho la fortuna di avere al mio fianco Giorgia nella delicata necessità di farmi tradurre dai pazienti americani e ai pazienti americani sintomi, malattie, conclusioni diagnostiche; ed inoltre poi nella accurata e precisa refertazione di visite e referti strumentali, che abbisognano di una rigorosa e puntuale specificità terminologica. L'ho sempre trovata competente e precisa da un lato, gentile e disponibile con i pazienti, sempre sorridente e disposta a metterli a loro agio. E' con estremo piacere pertanto che lascio una recensione per Lei, una raccomandazione a chi ne può aver bisogno, certo che troverà in Lei disponibilità, competenza e gentilezza."
Stethoscope (details).WEB SITE TRANSLATION 2022 | IT > EN
Cinzia Contro, Marketing Manager by Maria e Luisa Jewels
"Mi occupo di marketing e con l’azienda per cui lavoro abbiamo chiesto a Giorgia De Zen di tradurre in inglese tutti i testi del nostro sito. Siamo state molto soddisfatte del lavoro, sia per l’alta qualità della traduzione che per la professionalità. Altamente consigliata."
Close-up of gold rings with diamonds in a showcase.DIALOGUE INTERPRETING - MEDICLINIC POZZONOVO 2022 | EN <> IT
Dr. Franco Tesserin, Specialist in ENT, M.D.
"Giorgia è un grande aiuto quando visito i Pazienti americani. E’ brava, instaura subito un rapporto amichevole e si occupa di loro ben oltre la traduzione della conversazione fra medico e paziente. Svolge il suo lavoro bene e con quel tocco di simpatia ed umanità che per me fa la differenza."
A hospital hall with people leaning on the left wall during a break.Luca Moresco, Manager of CESFOR, Bolzano, Italy
"Molto precisa, accogliente e professionale, sia in occasione di seminari specialistici nei weekend che di convegni internazionali. Ottimo anche il feedback da parte dei relatori esteri."
Giorgia De Zen is interpreting Amelia Oldfield consecutively at the workshop which took place at CESFOR in Bolzano.
Close-up of hands playing instruments is the poster for the music therapy convention Giorgia De Zen is interpreting Laurien Hakvoort consecutively at the workshop which took place at CESFOR in Bolzano.Giorgia De Zen is interpreting Amelia Oldfield consecutively at the workshop which took place at CESFOR in Bolzano; the whole room is seen with students sitting around.Giorgia De Zen is interpreting Amelia Oldfield consecutively at the workshop which took place at CESFOR in Bolzano.Oscar and Diego Diaz by Diaz y Villar and Giorgia De Zen, who's standing between them, are smiling to the photographer in front of their stand at Vicenzaoro.The three colleagues of the Sage PolyScience team and Giorgia De Zen are smiling at the stand in the Host Milano tradeshow.Giorgia De Zen is standing and smiling to the photographer outside at the stand of Sage Polyscience at the Host Milano tradeshow.Giorgia De Zen is standing and smiling to the photographer at the entrance of VicenzaOro tradeshow, fall edition.Oscar and Diego Diaz by Diaz y Villar and Giorgia De Zen, who's standing between them, are smiling to the photographer in front of their stand at Vicenzaoro.Giorgia De Zen is standing and smiling to the photographer at the entrance of VicenzaOro tradeshow, fall edition.Giorgia De Zen is standing and smiling to the photographer at the stand of Diaz y Villar at the Vicenzaoro tradeshow.Giorgia De Zen is standing and smiling to the photographer at the entrance of VicenzaOro tradeshow, winter edition.
Logo of Athena Parthenos, translation agency.
Logo of CESFOR, centro studi e formazione [education center].
Logo of Breville PolyScience.
Logo of Diaz y Villar Joyeros.
Logo of Azienda Agricola Colle Rosso.
Logo Mediclinic la clinica delle eccellenze [medical center].
Logo of Maria e Luisa Jewels.
Logo of International Language Institute Of Vicenza.
Logo Studio Tre, translation agency.
Logo of Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo.
Logo of The Language Doctors, translation agency.
Golden arrow pointing down.

Do you need an interpreter or a translator?

Every job is unique and the cost is calculated depending on the characteristics of each project: no project is the same, whether it be a translation or an interpreting service, which is why I always talk with my clients before accepting a job so that I can understand their needs, terms and thus assess the feasibility of the project.

Fill in the form with your request and I'll guarantee an answer within 24 working hours.